You can subscribe to the Construction Grammar Mailing List  , which is set up as a forum for discussion among linguists interested in the constructional approach to the study of language. The mailing list is maintained by Hans C. Boas.


     Friends of Construction Grammar


Ackerman, Farrell, University of California at San Diego. Homepage.  
Barðdal, Johanna, University of Bergen, Norway. Interests:  Icelandic, morphological case, syntax, semantics, argument linking, aspect, historical linguistics, Scandinavian linguistics, comparative linguistics, cognitive linguistics, syntactic productivity. Homepage.  
Bencini, Giulia, Hunter College, CUNY. Interests: psycholinguistics, cognitive science. Homepage.
Bergen, Benjamin, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Interests: Embodied Construction Grammar. Homepage.  
Bergs, Alexander T., Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. Homepage.  
Bickel, Balthasar, University of Leipzig, Germany. Interests: syntax and morphology in typological perspective; linguistic relativity research; Himalayan languages. Homepage.  
Boas, Hans C., University of Texas at Austin. Homepage.
Booij, Geert, Leiden University, Netherlands. Interests: Relationship between morphology and syntax, constructional idioms that function as lexical units, for instance particle verbs in Germanic languages, AN phrases that function as compounds, and periphrasis in general. Usage-based phonology and the phonological effects of constructions. Homepage.  
Broccias, Cristiano, Università di Genova, Italy. Interests: English syntax, cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics. 

Bybee, Joan, University of New Mexico. Interests: constructions as description of language use; grammaticization as the development of new constructions; the specificity or generality of constructions; frequency effects on constructions; the conservativeness vs. productivity of constructions; phonological effects within constructions.  

Colleman, Timothy, Ghent University, Belgium. Interests: syntax and semantics of argument structure constructions in Dutch and related languages; corpus-based approaches to constructional semantics; language variation and change in constructional semantics. Homepage.

Deulofeu, Henri-José, Université Aix-Marseille I, France. Interests: syntax of spoken French, discourse syntax. 

Dogruoz, Ayşe Seza, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Interests: Turkish, Dutch, language contact and change, exploring language change through construction grammar, corpus linguistics, bilingualism. Homepage.
Filip, Hana, University of Florida.  Homepage.  
Fillmore, Charles J. ,University of California at Berkeley.  
Fischer, Kerstin, University of Bremen, Germany. Interests: the relationship between structural contexts in conversation and construction grammar. Homepage.  
Fried, Mirjam, Czech Academy of Sciences Prague, Czech Republic. Interests: constructional morphosyntax, language change, categoriality, spoken language, Frame Semantics. Homepage. 
Fujii, Seiko, University of Tokyo, Japan.  
Futrelle, Robert P. , Northeastern University, Boston. Interests: computational linguistics, computer science, biology, physics. Homepage.
Goldberg, Adele E., Princeton University. Interests: "argument structure" patterns, acquisition of argument structure, role of discourse factors in argument structure encoding, role of meaning in structural priming of argument structure patterns. Homepage.  
Gonzálvez-García, Francisco, University of Almería, Spain. Interests argument structure, contrastive grammar, corpus linguistics, syntax-semantics interface.
Gries, Stefan Th., University of California at Santa Barbara. Homepage.  
Hundt, Marianne, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany. Interests: phraseology/idioms, varieties of English, grammatical change, English mediopassive constructions, corpus linguistics. 
Iwata, Seizi, Osaka City University, Japan. 
Johnson, Christopher R., Phrasetrain. Interests: semantic, pragmatic, and syntactic properties of grammatical constructions and lexical units, and the way these properties relate to processes of first language acquisition. Homepage.   
Kauppinen, Anneli, University of Helsinki & Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland. Interests: analogy, language acquisition, contrastive linguistics, syntax in discourse. 
Kay, Paul, University of California at Berkeley. Homepage.    
Kotilainen, Lari, University of Helsinki, Finland. Interests: cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, grammaticalization. Homepage.  
Kuningas, Johanna, University of Helsinki, Finland & Université Paris III, France. Interests: information structure in CxG, Kabyle (a Berber language, afro-asiatic). 
Lambrecht, Knud, University of Texas at Austin. Interests: syntax (formal and informal), grammar-discourse interface (information structure).  
Leino, Jaakko, University of Helsinki. Interests: cognitive linguistics; historical morphosyntax, diachrony of constructions; case marking; infinitive constructions, complementation. Homepage.  
Lindström, Jan K., University of Helsinki, Finland. Interests: interactional grammar, iconicity in language; interactional design of grammatical constructions, i.e. viewing grammar as a resource for interaction and interaction as shaping the grammar. Homepage.  
Masini, Francesca, Roma Tre University & University of Bologna. Interests: lexicon (multi-word expressions, word classes, morphology); semantics (lexical semantics, grammatical semantics, semantics-morphosyntax interface). Homepage.
Matsumoto, Yoshiko, Stanford University.  
Michaelis, Laura, University of Colorado. Homepage.   
Nemoto, Noriko, Fukushima University, Japan. Interests: polysemy, argument structure, and Frame Semantics.  
Ohara, Kyoko Hirose, Keio University, Japan.  
Ohori, Toshio, Language & Information Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan. Interests: clause linkage and grammaticalization. Homepage.  
Östman, Jan-Ola, University of Helsinki, Finland. Interests: the periphery of the periphery: CxG as a model that can incorporate discourse and general pragmatic issues; discourse patterns as discourse-level constructions; CxG modeling of variability and contact-induced change. Languages: Finnish, Swedish, Solv, English. Homepage.  
Ross, Malcolm, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra. Interests: Austronesian and Papuan languages and historical linguistics, contact-induced change, the fate of constructions through time and in contact situations. Homepage.  
Rostila, Jouni, University of Tampere, Finland. Interests: grammaticalization in relation to CxG, case and prepositions in German, light verb constructions ("Funktionsverbgefuege").
Sag, Ivan, Stanford University. Homepage.  
Schulze, Wolfgang, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany. Interests: Grammar of Scenes and Scenarios (GSS), cognitive typology, radical constructivism. Homepage.
Sullivan, Karen, University of Queensland, Australia. Interests: The role of constructions in evoking conceptual processes such as metaphor; mental spaces and CG; conditionals. Homepage.
Sweetser, Eve, University of California at Berkeley. 
Thompson, Sandra A., University of California at Santa Barbara. Interests: Grammar in discourse; interactional linguistics. I am interested in constructions as they are defined, manifest themselves, and undergo change in real language use.   
Tomasello, Michael, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. Homepage.  
Tsujimura, Natsuko, Indiana University. Interests: lexical semantics.  
Verhagen, Arie, University Leiden Centre for Linguistics. Homepage.  
Webelhuth, Gert, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Interests: grammatical archetypes, predicates, word order. Homepage.  
Wulff, Stefanie, University of North Texas. Homepage. 
Zwicky, Arnold M., Stanford University.  Interests: The interplay of syntax, morphology, and phonology; realizational morphology, constructional syntax. Homepage.  


This page was last updated on September 23, 2012 .